Half Day PR Strategy Workshop

If you have been in business a while and have a clear mission and understanding of the people you want to help this is an ideal kickstart to get a creative campaign going.  

The SHPR team will collaborate to outline your mission statement, define your target audience’s driving factors, and identify media channels. We help you shape messages that resonate with your audience creating the compelling desire to know more or try your product or service. 

Session:  3 hours  Format: In real life or online 


A strategic canvas for your public relations activity, from which we will create a full report and recommendations for PR strategy. 


  • Your target audience wants and needs 
  • Key messages to appeal to your target audience 
  • Key media channels – a list of publications online and offline  



  1. Your mission statement  
  2. Your target audience/s  
  3. A wishlist of media you would like to appear in  


  1. Research to identify relevant media channels    

Follow up actions 

It’s up to you: you can use the report and recommendations as the basis for in-house PR work or ask us to cost and implement a public relations campaign.  

There is no obligation to use our services.   

Please give us a call or send us an email to discuss your requirements. Contact

Client comment: arts sector

“The report was detailed and gave a clear set of tasks and desired outcomes. The offering was dense – as the sector is broad and complex I would have been surprised if it hadn’t been.”

Client comment: arts sector

“The workshop made it far easier to map ideas and see how they interacted. I found that there was already a wide range of research had been made before the session, with in-depth research of the sector and the the audience.”